D. Bolliger wrote:
> Chas Owens am Freitag, 6. April 2007 13:27:
>>On 4/6/07, D. Bolliger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>$ perl -nle 'print join " ", map ucfirst, map lc, split' < in.txt >
>>There is no need to have multiple maps and the @ARGV/<> trick handles
>>files as well as stdin, so there is no need to use <
>>perl -lne 'print join " ", map { ucfirst lc } split' in.txt > out.txt
> You're right of course; your corrected version is not only more elegant and 
> perlish, but also - what a surprise ;-) - significantly faster.
> (I wondered how much:
>            Rate twomaps  onemap
> twomaps 13003/s      --    -26%
> onemap  17668/s     36%      --
> including assignement of the test data to $_ for split (~1250000/s), 
> excluding print)

Yes it is faster, but...

$ perl -e'
use Benchmark q[cmpthese];
my $wordlist = qx[cat /usr/share/dict/words];
cmpthese -10, {
    twomaps => q{ join " ", map ucfirst, map lc, split " ", $wordlist },
    onemap  => q{ join " ", map ucfirst( lc ), split " ", $wordlist },
    subst   => q{ ( my $x = $wordlist ) =~ s/(\S+)/\L\u$1/g; $x },
             Rate twomaps  onemap   subst
twomaps 1729492/s      --    -13%    -38%
onemap  1981233/s     15%      --    -30%
subst   2811473/s     63%     42%      --

Perl isn't a toolbox, but a small machine shop where you can special-order
certain sorts of tools at low cost and in short order.       -- Larry Wall

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