Actually the following isnt working:

use Math::BigFloat;
$n = 0;
if ($n->is_zero()) {print 'you entered zero'}

On 4/25/07, Tom Phoenix <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 4/24/07, Somu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm unable to compare numbers using the module. Actually i can only
> use it to create numbers like 0 or inf or 1 or their negatives. But i
> dont know how to use their methods. Bcoz the examples in the doc
> aren't working. Can i get some simple examples?

What are you doing that isn't working? "Because" if the documentation
examples don't work for you, why should this work?


use strict;
use warnings;

use Math::BigFloat;

my $$big = Math::BigFloat->new(200);
my $$other = Math::BigFloat->new(100);

if ($$big > $$other) {
print "It seems that $$big is bigger than $$other. ";
} else {
print "Actually $$other is at least as large as $$big. ";


--Tom Phoenix
Stonehenge Perl Training

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