yitzle wrote:
> I got an input source that got records of fixed number of lines, eg
> Name, Address, Age, Phone, Cell
> I'm not interested in Age or Cell.
> I'm doing something along the lines of the following. Can I do better?
> my @lines = qw/name address age phone cell end/;
> my %process = {name=>1, address=>1, phone=>1, end=>1};
> my $i = 0;
> my $name;
> my %hash;
> while(<INPUT>) {
>       $name = $_ if($lines[$i] eq 'name');
>       next unless($process{$lines[$i]});
>       $hash{$name}{$lines[$i]} = $_;
> } continue {
>       $i = ($i++) % (#$lines + 1);
> }

This made my eyes bleed.

Does your input file have one record per line, or records in blocks separated 
by blank lines, or what?
If you're trying to do what I think you're trying to do, it can be done in a 
couple of lines of code, but please be specific about your objective here. 
Like "I have this -->, and want this -->".


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