On 4/25/07, John W. Krahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Seanie wrote:
> Rob Dixon wrote:
>>> map(s/$find/$replace/, @arr);
>> Haha yes you can, but if you want to write nasty code go for
>>   grep s/$find/$replace/, @arr;
>> which also works.
> True, but grep implies "find stuff", while map implies "do stuff", so your
> nasty code is way, way, nastier than mine - it masks the intention.
> Maybe using map in void context is deep-level wrongness, but it'd be nice if
> somebody would explain WHY, instead of posting "don't do it" one-liners.

perldoc perl581delta
[ snip ]
       Miscellaneous Enhancements

       "map" in void context is no longer expensive. "map" is now context
       aware, and will not construct a list if called in void context.

So it is not really "wrong" anymore (for certain values of "wrongness".)

Perl isn't a toolbox, but a small machine shop where you can special-order
certain sorts of tools at low cost and in short order.       -- Larry Wall

It is no longer inefficient; however, it is still an abuse of map and
longer than the for loop version.  It is hard to defend the use of map
in a void context.

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