On 5/1/07, Somu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 my $input = 'loqr';
 if ( $input =~ m!lor!i ) {print 'match'}

 how will that match? i want them to match. Thats what i want to do.

You can add the 'q' to the pattern. Is this what you want?

   if ( $input =~ /loqr/i ) { print 'match' }

Or you can remove the 'q' from the input. Is this what you want?

   $input =~ s/q//g;

Or do you mean that you want to match any string that has 'l', then
'o', then 'r', even if other characters may intervene?

   if ( $input =~ /l.*o.*r/is ) { print 'match' }

Can you be more specific about what you want?

Hope this helps!

--Tom Phoenix
Stonehenge Perl Training

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