Thank you Dr.Ruud. It solved my problem. :-)

Thanks and Regards,

On 5/3/07, Dr.Ruud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

"Dharshana Eswaran" schreef:

> $input = 23;     #any decimal value
> $hex1 = sprintf ("%x",$input);
> $binary = unpack 'B*', pack 'H*', $hex1;
> @fields1 = unpack 'A4A4', $binary;
> print "$fields1[1]   $fields1[0]";    # i need to print the Lower
> Nibble first and then the Higher nibble
> But this logic does not work with single digit number as input. When
> i give a single digit number (for eg: 5) as input, it is stored as
> 01010000 in $binary variable instead of 00000101.

$hex1 = sprintf q{%02X}, $input ;

Affijn, Ruud

"Gewoon is een tijger."

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