Rodrick Brown wrote:

> I have a few hundred records in a file like the following
> a:1
> a:2
> a:3
> b:1
> b:2
> b:3
> I'm trying to build a hash of where the values on the left is the key and
> for each value on the right is an array containing the coresponding values
> I hope this makes sense
> $a{$a} = [EMAIL PROTECTED]   where @values = {1,2,3}
> I'm trying to do this on one pass if possible.
> I'm have a bit of trouble contstructing this kind of data structure if
> anyone can help me out it would be appreciated thanks. .

my %a;
while ( <FILE> ) {
    my ( $key, $val ) = split /:/;
    push @{ $a{ $key } }, $val;


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