Alma wrote:
Hi ,

Urgent help.

I have written 2 modules one & (admin modules).
my $databasehandle;

Note that this establishes a single $databasehandle for every object
of type 'abc' that you create; it does not create a separate one for
each object.

sub new($){

    my ($self,$usr,$pwd) = @_;

Again, you have a signature problem.  'sub new($)' says that 'new'
will take a single scalar as a parameter; as such, @_ will only ever
have one value in it: $usr and $pwd will always be set to null.

Also, read up on the syntax of 'bless' a bit more.  IIRC, saying
'bless $self;' is not enough.

    $usr||= "test";
    $pwd ||= "test123";

...and thus $usr and $pwd will always equal "test" and "test123",

sub DESTROY(){
my $self;

You never set $self to anything.  Change the '()' in 'sub DESTROY()'
to '($)', or remove them altogether; then change 'my $self;' to 'my
$self = shift;' or 'my ($self) = @_;'

Jonathan "Dataweaver" Lang

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