
after a long search I found a script that creates oracle password hashes. I need the result of this script to store the password in out LDAP database in the oracle hashed format. The problem is that it is a php script and I need it in perl.

I am a perl beginner and I am not able to convert this script to perl.
Is anyone outthere that could help me ?

Passing user=scott and password=tiger

the result of the function should be.


The mcrypt functions should be used.

Thank you very much

$username = "scott";
$password = "tiger";

// Using thirdparty library for DES with CBC encryption
echo get_oracle_hash($username, $password, $use_mcrypt=false);

echo "<br/>";

// Using built-in mcrypt library for encryption
echo get_oracle_hash($username, $password, $use_mcrypt=true);

1. Concatenate the username and the password to produce a plaintext string;

2. Convert the plaintext string to uppercase characters;

3. Convert the plaintext string to multi-byte storage format; ASCII
   characters have the high byte set to 0x00;

4. Encrypt the plaintext string (padded with 0s if necessary to the
   next even block length) using the DES algorithm in cipher block
   chaining (CBC) mode with a fixed key value of 0x0123456789ABCDEF;

5. Encrypt the plaintext string again with DES-CBC, but using the
   last block of the output of the previous step (ignoring parity
   bits) as the encryption key. The last block of the output is
   converted into a printable string to produce the password hash
// $username: The user name
// $password: The password for the user
// $use_mcrypt: If we want to use built in library mcrypt (need to set server php settings)
function get_oracle_hash($username, $password, $use_mcrypt=true)
        // Want to use mcrypt
        if ($use_mcrypt)
                // Values if we want to use mcrypt library
                $chiper = MCRYPT_3DES;
                $mode = MCRYPT_MODE_CBC;
        // Want to use thirdparty library
        // The data we want to encrypt/make hash of
        // We have to convert it to multibyte format
        $temp_data = strtoupper($username) . strtoupper($password);
        $data = "";
        foreach (str_split($temp_data) as $char)
                // High byte: 0x00, (i.e. H = 0x0048)
                $temp_hex =  "00" . dechex(ord($char));
                // Have to handle some special characters different
                if (in_array($char, str_split("æÆøØåÅ")))
                        $temp_hex = "0132";

                // Add this character to the complete string of hex values
                $data .= $temp_hex;             
        $data = pack("H*", $data);
        // Start key
        $key0  = pack("H*", '0123456789ABCDEF');
        // The initialization vector
        $iv = null;
        // First time encryption
        if ($use_mcrypt)
                $res1 =  @mcrypt_encrypt($chiper, $key0, $data, $mode, $iv);
                $res1 = des($key0, $data, $iv);
        // Get the last block to use as key in second encryption
        $key2 = substr($res1, strlen($res1)-8, 8);
        // Second time encryption
        if ($use_mcrypt)
                $res2 = @mcrypt_encrypt($chiper, $key2, $data, $mode, $iv);
                $res2 = des($key2, $data, $iv);
        // Then get the last block of $res2 and convert to hex
        $hash = substr($res2, strlen($res2)-8, 8);
        $hash = strtoupper(bin2hex($hash));
        return $hash;

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