On Jun 18, 8:40 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Degen) wrote:
> Thanks for your speedy reply Bob. I tried your suggestion, but the same 
> outcome: the command fails without any complaints. BTW, the files didn't have 
> extensions. They are three test files (plain text) containing respectively 
> "love, live and luve". The actual command that I tried was perl -i -e 
> "s/ve/ver/" *.*
> Any other ideas I might try?

Windows has never let me replace files inline - that is, you can't not
give an extension for the -i option.  You have to provide it with an
extension so that the original files are saved as backups.  (However,
it's always given me an error when I've tried - not sure why you're
not getting one).

perl -i.bkp -e"s/ve/ver/" *.*

You can also run a quick test to determine what * and *.* mean in
Windows by something like this:

perl -le"print for @ARGV" *
perl -le"print for @ARGV" *.*

Paul Lalli

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