>----- Original Message ----
>From: Paul Lalli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: beginners@perl.org
>Sent: Monday, June 18, 2007 6:47:05 PM
>Subject: Re: Command line usage
>On Jun 18, 10:50 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Degen) wrote:
>> I think I'm out of luck with this OS;) Your suggestion for creating a backup
>> file gave the same result: no error, no change in the files. The output of
>> 'perl -le"print for @ARGV" *'  is * and the other is *.*. Funny though that
>> sed *does* work.
>Ah.  Well there's your problem.  The command line interpreter you're
>running doesn't expand wildcards.  That's why Perl wasn't giving you
>any errors - it had nothing to do because there was no file named "*"
>that it could find...   You'll have to expand the wildcard from within
>perl -pi.bkp -e"BEGIN { @ARGV = glob($ARGV[0]); }  s/old/new/;" *
>Hope this helps,
>Paul Lalli

Thank you all for your responses. Paul's suggestion above is the winner. The 
command works, creates a neat backup file and does what it's told. I'll be 
checking the docs to see *why* it works:)

Best regards,

John Degen

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