Actually, I didn't write the code.  It was written by someone else whom
no longer works at our company.

Keep up with my goings on at

Paul Lalli wrote:
> On Jun 23, 4:18 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mathew Snyder) wrote:
>> You'll notice in the section that creates the filehandle I have a statement 
>> that
>> says "next if $address =~ m/^#/gmx;".  I had to escape the "#".  Can anyone 
>> tell
>> me why that is?  It isn't a special character for regexes that I've ever 
>> seen used.
> You need to read
> perldoc perlre
> It's special because for some reason you chose to use the /x
> modifier.  This modifier allows you to use both whitespace and
> comments inside your regular expressions.
> Since you obviously don't know what the /x modifier does, why are you
> using it?  Blindly typing code that you don't understand is a really
> bad way to program.
> Paul Lalli
> P.S.  (Yes, I know PBP recommends always using /mxs, but anyone who
> uses /msx on every regexp because PBP recommends it should at least
> read enough of PBP to know *why* its recommended)

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