This is getting annoying....

It might be useful if would actually provide some reason for delivery beyond "Delivery time expired". Considering the string '***SPAM***' appears to be something I might find in SpamAssassin, and some people are starting to apply smtp rejections to spam filtering. I've been reading a lot about this on the SA list. I think it can be a safe conclusion that this is a "bad" idea.

your spam filter has me targeted as a false positive for spam.
But since you NEVER accept delivery you'll never know any better.
And just to be really annoying, you keep throwing temporary failures at me instead of real failures. Now you cost me resources, the mailing list resources, and there's no way out of this pattern.

I would like to thank you for this display of failure mode for this type of implementation. This demonstrates the short comings of this approach. Thank you for the demonstration. Now are you going to be able to do anything about this to prevent the problem from continuing in the future?

Begin forwarded message:

Date: June 22, 2007 8:35:43 AM EDT
Subject: DELIVERY FAILURE: Delivery time expired

Your message

  Subject: ***SPAM*** Re: still working with utf8

was not delivered to:



  Delivery time expired

Reporting-MTA: dns;

Final-Recipient: rfc822;[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Action: failed
Status: 5.0.0
Diagnostic-Code: X-Notes; Delivery time expired
From: "tom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: June 22, 2007 8:35:43 AM EDT
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED],, "Mumia W." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Beginners List" <>
Subject: ***SPAM*** Re: still working with utf8

Yes, be prepared for the fact that not all foreign languages will
support the concept of spaces between words. I don't know anything about Japanese, but I do vaguely remember from high school that, for Chinese
texts, there are often no spaces between words and the reader's
knowledge of the language allows him or her to infer the word separations.

So the chinese might have a sentence like:
and it's up to you, the reader, to figure out where the spaces are?

However, even without knowing Japanese, we might be able to help you
find acceptable solutions. What is your program supposed to do?

Well, for phonetic, character based langauges it's trying to do
something like:
while($string=~/(\w+)/g) {
  push @array, $1;
would be a great start.
Similarly I guess @array=~split /\W/, $string would be close.

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