Hi Tom,

Thanks for the response. 

> It's undocumented, but maybe try this:
>   BEGIN { $CPAN::DEBUG = 512; } # FTP?

Not sure where to plug in this BEGIN {}...

>   perl -MNet::Netrc -lwe 'print join " ", 
> Net::Netrc->lookup("MyCpanMirror")->lpa'

It looks like Net::Netrc is working:
# perl -MNet::Netrc -lwe 'print join(" ",
Use of uninitialized value in join or string at -e line 1.
cpan XpasswdX 

I've also tested Net::FTP separately, and it works as advertised with
> If you're still able to use the ftp command to manually log 
> in to your mirror, you should be able to configure CPAN to 
> use that, as a workaround. I say you should, but I don't know 
> how tenaciously it may try to use Net::FTP (or whatever is 
> broken) instead.

As it turns out, if I wait patiently for all the LWP/Net::FTP timeouts,
eventually CPAN resorts to /usr/bin/ftp which does read my .netrc. My
modules do eventually get installed but not w/o several admonitions that
using /usr/bin/ftp may cause "...problems that are hard to diagnose"

I'm not sure where else to go with this. It looks like I can eventually
get what I need installed, but not without a long bumpy ride first.

Thanks for the feedback.

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