----- Original Message ----- From: "mirod" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <beginners@perl.org>
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2007 2:46 AM
Subject: Re: XML Parsing

On Jun 25, 3:47 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mike Blezien) wrote:
I need to parse a fairly largeXMLresponse file and would like some suggestions
on whichXMLmodule would work the best. We've been using theXML::Simple
module, but I don't think that's the right one for the job. Below is theXML
file we need to parse. In particular getting the data from the elements within
the <message></message>
Would theXML::Twigmodule work better for this ?? Any suggestion would be much

Hi Mike,

XML::Twig would probably work fine, you can for example do
XML::Twig->new( twig_roots => { message => sub { push @messages, $_-
text;  $_->purge;}, },)
              ->parsefile( 'file.xml');

message texts will be in @messages

If you need more information than just the text of the message
elements, then you can use twig_handlers instead of
twig_roots, look at the docs for the difference.

That said if the files are the size of your example, that's really
small, so there should be no need to switch from a module that
loads the entire file in memory. OTOH if message elements can contain
mixed content (embedded markup like <b> for example),
then that would be a reason to avoid XML::Simple.

I hope that helps.


Yes, I've been looking through the info on XML::Twig, I think this will do the trick quiet nicely. Thanks for the info.

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