Paul Johnson wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 28, 2007 at 06:58:36AM -0500, Mumia W. wrote:
>> On 06/28/2007 03:00 AM, Mathew Snyder wrote:
>>> our @ISA                 = qw(Exporter);
>>> our @EXPORT      = qw(startDate endDate searchStart searchEnd);
>>> our $VERSION     = '1';
>> Those lines need to be within a BEGIN block. See perlmod:
> Are you sure?
> The package name should be Reports::Dates, not just Dates.

I'm getting a strange bit of behaviour.  I have everything set up right and my
dates are getting made up properly however, one sub which creates the searchDate
array isn't being called.  I have to enter the full module path
(Reports::Dates::searchDate) for it to work while all of the other dates are
called without problem using just the sub name.  Any thoughts on why this might 

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