On 7/2/07, Dustin Hice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I was thinking about making a few different scripts that would enable/
disable components of my laptop to save power,  I am hoping to be able
to just make a few different scripts that will be stored on my
desktop.  These scripts will just check to see if a specific component
is enabled or disabled, and then turn that component on or off.  I was
thinking this would be easier than having to go into device manager
every single time I wanted to start up a USB slot or something.  If
anyone knows of any module that I could use to be able to access the
device manager it would be alot of help.

Thanks for any replies,



This is pretty OS-specific, and you haven't said what device manager
you want to interact with. And are you sure you want to script
whichever application you're using instead of just handling the system
calls directly? There are Perl for your OS's system calls on CPAN,
though. Just head over there and do a search for whichever OS and/or
device you're interested in.

Device::USB, for instance, will give you access to USB devices through
libsub on most *ix systems.


-- jay
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