
ProbeNames      Exp1    Exp2    Exp3    Exp4    Exp5
244901_at       24.3    46.4    37.4    19.5    59.6
244902_at                       36.6    92.4    49.5    42.4          29.6
244903_at                       46.4    19.4    -       18.2    19.8
244904_at                       56.2    29.4    78.4    37.8    -

i want to find the average value for each Probe i.e each horizontal
line.For ex:Avg value for 244901_at is so and so,avg value for
244902_at is so and so..

It looks as if you're off to a good start; maybe you should use a
pattern match to describe your data?

 # untested code
 my $datum = qr{[\d\-\.]+};  # or something better for your data
 my $ident = qr{\w+};
 my $pattern = qr{
   ^($ident)    # $1 is identifier at start of line
   \s+        # whitespace
   (            # $2 is list of data items
       (?:$datum\s+)*   # items before last item
       $datum        # last item

 # later, when you're ready to read from your data file
 while ($line = <FILE>) {
   next unless $line =~ /\S/; # skip blank lines
   if ($line =~ /$pattern/) {
     my($ident, $data) = ($1, $2);
     next if $ident eq 'ProbeNames'; # skip headings
     my @data = split /\s+/, $data;
     my $average = &my_average(@data); # or whatever
     print "Probe $ident reports average $average\n";
     # on your own from here
   } else {
     warn "Unusable data found on line $. of file, continuing...\n";

Hope this helps!

--Tom Phoenix
Stonehenge Perl Training

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