Know that I am learning perl, I am expected to use it at work :)
Problem is I am still to green for the current problem I have. The data is 
always left justified and has a space between each value.

I have a text file of about ~500 lines like this:
-11.67326 23.95923 0.4617566
5.075023 24.27938 0.4484084
6.722163 -24.68986 1.399011
-11.2023 -25.0398 1.145933

I need to do the following:
Insert and X, Y and Z as one script:
X-11.67326 Y23.95923 Z0.4617566
X5.075023 Y24.27938 Z0.4484084
X6.722163 Y-24.68986 Z1.399011
X-11.2023 Y-25.0398 Z1.145933

Lastly, I'll need to make an additional copy of the program to strip out any 
numerical values for Z, and replace them with the following, [some_var].
X-11.67326 Y23.95923 Z[some_var]
X5.075023 Y24.27938 Z[some_var]
X6.722163 Y-24.68986 Z[some_var]
X-11.2023 Y-25.0398 Z[some_var]

Any help would be appreciated greatly, I am still just to new for this!

Thanks guys!

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