
I'm not sure I understand why this is happening.  Maybe someone can
explain it to me.  No matter how many times I use the chomp() function
on my array, when I print the array it always prints the newlines.
But I have another array, which will print without the newlines.

In the first block of code it always prints the newlines even if I use
chomp.  In the second block of code it won't print the newlines.  What
am I doing wrong?

@file_list = `find /home/ -type d -maxdepth 1`;
chomp ( @file_list );
chomp ( @file_list );
chomp ( @file_list );
print @file_list;

@wombat_config = (
"workers 1       #The maximum number of simultaneous backups\n",
"pruners 1       #The maximum number of simultaneous pruners\n",
"maxconnect 1    #The maximum number of simultaneous conenctions to a
single host\n",
"rcmd ssh        #The command to use to connect to backup targets\n"
chomp ( @wombat_config );
print @wombat_config;


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