On 7/31/07, Mr. Shawn H. Corey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Programming is a rigorous discipline.  Learning to do things right the first 
> time around achieves two things:
> 1. You don't have to unlearn bad habits before you learn the good ones.
> 2. Understanding the concepts behind the practice is easier.


This list isn't about programming. It's about Perl. That's a subtle,
but important difference. Programming is a discipline, a profession,
even. It is a set of techniques, communities of use, and "best
practices" that very only very slightly from application to

Perl is a language. It is a collection of functions, operators, and
features. Those features are a fact, a pre-existing condition. And on
this list, at least, questions about them--even questions about the
ones that you, personally don't happen to like--need to be answered in
the spirit spirit in which they are asked. That is, in a spirit of
openness and learning. And perhaps most importantly, in the spirit of
Perl and the Perl community whose motto is "TIMTOWTDI." In case you've
forgotten, there that means "There Is More Than One Way To Do It."

Keeping that distinction in mind, it is usually inadvisable to respond
to a question about Perl with an answer about programming, and vice
versa. It's okay to mention your opinions about "Current Best
Practices," of course, but then leave it at that.***  We're not here
to be programming Czars.

The beginner's list certainly isn't an appropriate place to get into
esoteric flame wars over 2 argument vs. 3 argument versions of open
and indirect filehandles. Save that for comp.lang.perl.misc.


-- jay

***Current Best Practices (CBP) are (c)2007 the current poster. CBP
are personal opinion of the current poster and do not necessarily
reflect the views of this station. Subject to change without notice.
Void where prohibited. CBP not valid in Vermont, New York, or the
Republic of Sealand.

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