
I saw the doc for HTML::Parser.  I looked at its hstrip program in the eg
folder but dunno how to strip a scalar instead of a file.  I can strip a
file.  But I want to strip a scalar.  Any help appreciated.

As my code is currently, when ran, it prints text to STDOUT and the $source
scalar variable holds html

I do not need to print to STDOUT

Is the print @ line in the sub doing this?

I need to strip the html from $source

What am I doing wrong whereby the html does not get stripped from $source ?

So that I can then uncomment my __END__

So that the latter part of my program will then run.

The latter part of my program works correctly; it finds a unique text string
then prints it along with a specified number of subsequent lines.  (This is
what I want) but in order for this latter part to work, the html needs to be
stripped from $source

Current code is next:

use strict;
 use warnings;

use LWP::UserAgent;

my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();

my $url = '
# my $url = 'http://www.slackware.com/changelog/current.php?cpu=i386';
 my $response = $ua->get( $url );

     or $response->code == 404   # ignore 404
     or die "Can't get '$url': ", $response->status_line;

# print $response->content;

# __END__

my $source = $response->content;
$source =~ s/\n+/\n/g;

# Strip html markup ####################
use HTML::Parser ();

sub text_handler {            # Ordinary text
     print @_;


my $p = HTML::Parser->new(api_version => 3);
 $p->handler( text => \&text_handler, "dtext");


print "~source~\n";
print $source;

# print $source;
my @raw = split(/\n/, $source);
# print scalar( @raw );
my $line;
my $stop_at;
foreach ( @raw ) {
if ( /CAZ017/ ) {
$stop_at = $line + 40;
next unless $stop_at;
print $_, "\n" if $line <= $stop_at;
# end ------------------------------------------------------

Ultimately, I want to print the CA (California) zone 17 forecast (southern
Sacramento valley forecast).  Probably will knock that $line + 40 down to $line
+ 15 or thereabouts.  But, I need to strip the html from $source first.


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