perl pra wrote:
 hi Mihir Kamdar,

Please the following highlighted.

 I have tested it. this  excatly  does what you need.

configure the parent_path,child_path and out_path to your corresponding

_____________________ BEGIN

use strict;
use File::Path;
use File::Copy;
use warnings;

my $parent_path="C:/parent";
my $child_path="C:/child";
my $out_path="C:/output";
my @parent_files=<$parent_path/*>;

#########  THIS SECTION ACTS AS the Touch Command Check the Files in Parent
Directory and Created the zero bye files in the Child directory#############

foreach my $file (@parent_files)
      my @arr=$file=~ /(\w+\.\w+)$/;

Why are you doing this? What if the file name contains characters that don't match \w? You should use File::Basename::basename to extract the file name from the path or use opendir/readdir so that you don't have to separate the file name from the path.

      if (-f "$child_path/$arr[0]" )

           open my $W_H, '>', "$child_path/$arr[0]" || die "Could not Create
the file $child_path/$arr[0]\n";

Because of the high precedence of the '||' operator the die() will *never* execute! You need to either use parentheses:

open( my $W_H, '>', "$child_path/$arr[0]" ) || die "Could not Create the file '$child_path/$arr[0]' $!";

or use the low precedence 'or' operator:

open my $W_H, '>', "$child_path/$arr[0]" or die "Could not Create the file '$child_path/$arr[0]' $!";

           close $W_H;



############################## this section Checks the files in the child
directory, Takes the same file from the parent directory removes duplicates
from the file and creates the  file in  output directory

my @child_files=<$child_path/*>;

foreach my $file (@child_files)
      my @arr=$file=~ /(\w+\.\w+)$/;

See above.

      my %uniques;
      open my $R_H, '<',  "$parent_path/$arr[0]";

You should *always* verify that the file opened correctly.

      my @file_content=<$R_H>;
      close $R_H;
      foreach my $line (@file_content)  {  $uniques{$line}++; }
      open my $W_H, '>', "$out_path/$arr[0]";

You should *always* verify that the file opened correctly.

      for(keys(%uniques)) { print $W_H "$_\n"; }
      close $W_H;


_________________________________ END

Perl isn't a toolbox, but a small machine shop where you
can special-order certain sorts of tools at low cost and
in short order.                            -- Larry Wall

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