I think I need to use a destructor in my program.  It works just fine,
producing repeatable results, but now I put in a parameter sweep loop
that runs the whole complicated thing several times and I get
unexpected noisy junk instead of smoothly varying hills and valleys
and slopes.  To be certain of the problem, I varied a parameter that
should output a linear result and it was quite noisy.  So I thought I
would erase the object the same way I initialized it in the
constructer and then make a new one like this:

        # destroy old games database and create new ones
        if ($sweep > 0) {
            $games = [];                    # delete entire
Games_Database object
            $games = Games_Database->new(); # make a new
Games_Database object

I also tried writing a DESTROY() method and calling it, to no avail.
I read perltoot and the article "Better Living Through
Destruction" (IIRC) on perl.com and didn't really understand the parts
on destructors.  What foolish beginner mistake am I making, and how do
I accomplish my act of destruction?  Thanks a bunch.

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