Mathew Snyder wrote:
I need to populate a select multiple on a web page when it loads with a series
of values.  Most of the values will be determined dynamically when the code runs
but some are static.  They look like "A - H", "I - P" and "Q - Z".  The spaces
are for readability.

What I am doing is declaring an array and assigning the value:
@array = qw/All "A - H" "I - P" "Q - Z"/;
and then pushing the to-be-determined values onto the array later on.  However,
when I print this all out while testing, I get each letter, hyphen and quote as
individual elements.  I've tried escaping different ways to no avail.

qw/All "A - H" "I - P" "Q - Z"/

is the same as saying:

split ' ', q/All "A - H" "I - P" "Q - Z"/

so when using qw// there are no strings just whitespace characters and non-whitespace characters. What you want is:

my @array = ( 'All', 'A - H', 'I - P', 'Q - Z' );

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