I've scraped an HTML page and gotten back a string that looks like this:

[... bunch of stuff I don't care about ...]
<form action="foo.php" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="val1" value="someval">
<input type="text" name="val2" value="anotherval">
<select name="selectfield">
<option value="foo">bar
<option value="lala" SELECTED>some text here
<option value="thirdval">boing
[... bunch of stuff I don't care about ...]

Is there a Perl module that will take this string and return a hash
representing the current (default) form values. IE,

$HASH{'val1'} = "someval";
$HASH{'val2'} = "anotherval";
$HASH{'selectfield'} = "lala";

Ideally, the hash would include the field type, form action URL, etc,
but I'd be satisfied w/ just the name/value pairs.

I'd then like to edit the HASH and re-"formify" it to get a string
suitable for POSTing (like

I don't think HTML::FillInForm does this, unless I'm misunderstanding it.

I realize there are many issues here (some form values are lists, not
scalars-- people are lazy about using </option> close tags, etc), but
I figured there's a module out there that does this.

Is there or should I roll my own?

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