On 8/13/07, Robert Hicks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I typically "use Carp;" and change my "die" and "warn" statements to
> "croak" and "carp". I have read a couple places croak/carp are a little
> better at telling you what and where than the standard die/warn.
> Robert

The question of whether to use croak/carp or die/warn is one of where
the error is.  If the caller of the function passed in bad data
croak/carp is the right choice.  If the problem is with the current
code or things it is calling then die/warn is the right choice.  For
instance, say I have a library function that takes the name of a file
to write to and that file is not writable, this is not the library
function's fault.  It is the fault of the person who called the
library function.  If we were to use die then the file and line number
would report the location in the library where the code failed, but
this won't help the user find where he passed bad information.  In
this case croak is the appropriate choice.  Keeping with this same
example, lets say that this function also copies a file to another
location and then does a chksum to make sure that the files are still
the same and the chksum comes back wrong.  In this case the issue is
probably with the library code, so telling the user that his/her call
to the function failed is fairly useless (he/she can't change his/her
code to fix the problem), so die would be the right answer.

However, if you really want to get the best picture of what was going
on you should use confess/cluck instead of croak/carp or die/warn.  It
will spit out a full stack trace.  Most of the time this is overkill
(the problem is usually with either the caller of the function or the
function itself), but it can be handy.

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