Dan Sopher wrote:

Hello. The following code example creates a list of regular files in a
directory. Using File::Find, I'm unable to localize an array to hold the
list of files. Is there a way to create the list with a localized array?

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
## Create a list of regular files in a directory.

use strict;
use File::Find;


my @list; ## Don't want this here
if (1) {
        ## I'd like @list to be localized to this scope,
        ## and not in main

        find ( { wanted=>\&found, no_chdir=>1 }, "/var/SAMPLES" );

        print @list;


sub found {
        push @list, $_ if -f $_;

# You may want to consider:
 push @list, $File::Find::name if -f $File::Find::name;


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