On 8/22/07, Mário Gamito <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Sorry for the newbie question, but I've searche over the web and couldn'
> find an answer to what I need.
> I need to clean all the ocorrences of the "##Z/" string (without the
> quotes), from a series of .html files located in a single directory.
> Can someone help me, please ?
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Warm Regards,
> --
> :wq! Mário Gamito

Well, if you truly want to remove all occurrences of "##Z/" from a
file (html or not) you can simply say

perl -pi.bak -e 's{##Z/}{}' *.html

If there are some occurrences of that string that need to stay or you
need to clear out "&#35;&#35;Z/" (same thing as far as HTML is
concerned) as well. it becomes slightly more difficult.

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