Hello Jeff,

See this simple script:

print "Enter with the fisrst number\n";
my $num = <STDIN>;

How I can to convert variable $num, in string ?

Best regards,

Rodrigo Faria

--- Jeff Pang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu:

> 2007/8/26, Rodrigo Tavares
> > Hello,
> >
> > In many languages there is a function for convert
> int
> > for string. Ho I can do it in Perl ?
> >
> Hello,
> Perl isn't a strong type language like C,so you
> don't have the need to
> convert the variable type distinctly.
> for example,
> my $x = 123;
> print $x * 2;
> would print 246 correctly,perl treat $x as an int
> type variable.
> but when you say,
> my $x = 123;
> print $x . '@abc.com';
> would print [EMAIL PROTECTED] joining $x with a
> string,Perl treat $x as
> a char variable.

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