On Aug 24, 9:11 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Randal L. Schwartz) wrote:
> >>>>> "Justin" == Justin The Cynical <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Justin> The Llama presents hashes as single value to a key, so I never thought
> Justin> to make a hash of arrays.
> That's because (a) an arrayref is still a single value, so we haven't really
> lied, so much as just simplified to what can be handled in the first 30 hours
> with Perl, and (b) you *still* can't make a hash of arrays, just a hash of
> arrayrefs, and that distinction is *important*.

Ok, so it's not an array that is in the hash, but a "symlink" (which
is a single value) to an actual array that lives in memory alone and
has no real reference outside of the hash, correct?

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