John W. Krahn wrote:

my ( $key, %data );
while ( <> ) {
    if ( /#.*\s(\S+)/ ) {
        $key = $1;
    elsif ( /\sremote\s/ ) {
        $data{ $key }++;

for my $key ( keys %data ) {
    print "'$key' sent $data{$key} emails.\n";

John - Thanks so much!  Exactly what I needed.  Thanks for the insight! =)

Can you explain the regex syntax of /#.*\s(\S+)/

How does that match the email address? The reason why I ask is because I have one occurrence with the ouput of:

++++ OUTPUT +++++++++
'bouncing' sent 402 emails.
++++ /OUTPUT ++++++++

This was due to the fact that the format consisted of:

++++ FORMAT +++++++++
31 Aug 2007 04:00:22 GMT  #8810118  337545  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  bouncing
++++ /FORMAT +++++++++

So the script grabbed "bouncing" instead of the email address. I want to understand it so I can have it grab the email address in those instances. Thanks again!


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