On 05/09/07, Tom Phoenix <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 9/5/07, Mike Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am having a problem with looping a string.
> Have you tried stepping through your code in the debugger?
> > while ($count lt $str_length){
> That looks like a place where you used a string comparison ('lt') but
> maybe meant a numeric comparison ('<').
> Your code structure will be easier to understand if you indent
> consistently. Using 'use strict' and 'use warnings' will also help to
> improve your code.
> Does that get you closer to making your algorithm work? Good luck with it!
> --Tom Phoenix
> Stonehenge Perl Training

thanks this is the solution (BTW I had use strict, diagnostics and warnings on)

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use diagnostics;
use strict;
my $string="ffmpeg  -v 2 -i \"/home/mike/vcr58uc.avi\" -itsoffset -0.1
-i \"/home/mike/vcr58uc.avi\"  -target dvd -y -s 352x288 -qscale 5 -bf
2 -g 15 -acodec mp2 -ac 2 -ab 64kk -me_range 63 -aspect 4:3 -map 1:0
-map 0:1 \"/home/mike/vcr58ucen.vob\"";
my $wrap='50';
my @wwl;
my $count=0;
my $string1=$string;
my @string1=$string1;
my $str_length=length($string1);
print $str_length,"\n";

while ($count < $str_length){                  # correct operator

my $len2;
my $line1=substr($string1,$count,$wrap);
if ((length($line1)+$count)<$str_length){ # extra condition to make
sure it increments
     if (rindex($line1,' ') ne -1){                # when check for
white space results in 0 value
      $len2=rindex($line1,' ');
     else {$len2=$wrap}
else {$len2=$wrap}

my $strin2=substr($string1,$count,$len2);
push (@wwl,$strin2);
$count=$count+$len2; # I wasn't incrementing count properly


print $string,"\n";

Its actually a word wrap function, because I couldn't get Text::Wrap
or Gtk wrap to work right.

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