Hello , am using win32::serialport module to communicate with my
serial port device, this is my code

use Win32::SerialPort;
my $serial_port;
my $return;
my $quiet = 1;

$serial_port = Win32::SerialPort->new ($port,1) die "Can't open serial
port $port: $^E\n" unless ($serial_port);
my $configFile= 'ER400TRS.conf';
print LOG "configuration file: $configFile\n";
print "$configFile";
my $baud = $serial_port->baudrate(4800);
my $par = $serial_port->parity("even");
my $rint=$serial_port->read_interval;
my $data=$serial_port->databits(7);
my $stop=$serial_port->stopbits(1);
my $hshake=$serial_port->handshake;
my $rconst=$serial_port->read_const_time(100);
my $rchar=$serial_port->read_char_time(5);
my $wconst=$serial_port->write_const_time(100);
my $wchar=$serial_port->write_char_time(5);
my ($rbuf, $wbuf)= $serial_port->buffers;

$serial_port = tie (*FOO, 'Win32::SerialPort', $configFile)
     || die "Can't tie: $^E\n";            ## TIEHANDLE ##

$serial_port->close || die "\n close problem with $port\n";

undef $serial_port;

the code works fine i can write my data to the buffer but when am try
to use file handle to tie with config file
am getting the error access denied can't tie....can any suggest me ?

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