On 27 Sep., 15:01, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Lalli) wrote:
> On Sep 27, 6:00 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Schms) wrote:
> > I have a UNIX directory  $DIR which contains a lot of files and
> > subdirecotires. Now, I would
> > like to list all files and subdirectories in $DIR only. That means,
> > $File::Find should not
> > go into any subdirectories of $DIR and list the files and
> > subdirectories there as well.
> > So far, I have not had any luck with the option no_chdir =>0.
> That's because no_chdir has absolutely nothing to do with this issue.
> no_chdir simply means that File::Find doesn't change the current
> working directory as it recurses.
> You want $File::Find::prune.  Set it to 1 in your &wanted function any
> time the directory is one you don't want to recurse into.  See
> File::Find's documentation for more info.
> And more importantly, see John's reply - if you don't want to recurse,
> you shouldn't be using File::Find to begin with.  Just get a directory
> listing.
> Paul Lalli

Thanks Paul and John. So, I will try with

opendir DH, $DIR or die "Cannot open '$DIR' $!";
print map "$DIR/$_\n", readdir DH;
closedir DH;

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