Beginner wrote:

I thought that the code snip below should work but I am not getting my text into the the file. The file is created but it's empty.

Ideally I want to create the log file outside any sub routines so that $log to be available to any sub I have created and hence not scoped to any one sub routine. Is my understanding not correct here? Should I be doing this in another way?

Hi Dermot. You're a little confused, but you're not far out!


package Images;

 use strict;
 use warnings;
 use vars qw($log);

 $| = 1;

No need to autoflush.

 our $log;

There is no need to declare the $log variable with 'our' here (or to
'use vars' above): a 'my' variable will do the job fine.

 my $logpath = 'mylog.txt';
 open($log,">>$logpath") or die "Can't append to $logpath: $!\n";

open my $log, '>>', $logpath or die "Can't append to $logpath: $!";


sub mysub {

my $var = 'Hello';

This variable is never used after it is declared.

print $log "Starting mysub with val\n";


This looks fine, except that you haven't called the subroutine you've

This is what it looks like after those changes:

use strict;
use warnings;

my $logpath = 'mylog.txt';

open my $log, '>>', $logpath or die "Can't append to $logpath: $!";


sub mysub {
 print $log "Starting mysub with val\n";



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