Hi Gurus,



I am trying to do (read/write/append) operations on file using oops in perl.



But I am getting the following error


Bareword "FileOperations" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at

end.pl line 14.

BEGIN not safe after errors--compilation aborted at readwriteappend.pl line



I have declared my $file in constructor (new) and blessed it with a class so
that I can use it in another method of the same class, but I cannot do so.


Can somebody help me in understanding where am I going wrong and the correct
way of doing the same.




use strict;

use warnings;

package FileOperations;


sub new



            my $file="$_[0]";

            my $err_code=1;

            bless $file, FileOperations;





sub readfile



   use File::Slurp qw (read_file);


            my $text=read_file('$file');


            return $text;





my $content=FileOperations::readfile($ARGV[0]);





Thanks in  Advance,


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