
On Sep 27, 9:05 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John W. Krahn) wrote:
> > Hello,
> Hello,
> > I'm having a problem with a regular expression in some code that I
> > inherited.
> > I'm reading from a file and looking for certain parameters (mrn, enc,
> > date, report_subtitle).
> > The file looks like this:
> > %%start
> > %mrn%02333699
> > %fac%A
> > %gpi%
> > %enc%9720100004
> > %date%07/07/2007^14:29
> > %report_type%amit
> > %report_subtitle%OCR (nut
> > %phys_id1%GLENN
> > %phys_id2%RAJPAL
> > %%Pages: 5
> > %!PS-Adobe
> > %%Title: (orderNotes_1)
> > %%CreationDate: 09/11/07 14:29
> > %%For: System Man PRINGLE, GLENN O
> > showpage
> > %%PageTrailer
> > end
> > %%Trailer
> > %%thisWasThePreviousStart
> > %mrn%02333699
> > %enc%0720100004
> > %date%09/30/2007^23:59
> > %report_type%PCM
> > %report_subtitle%Order Confirmation Report (nut
> > %phys_id1%PRINGLE
> > My problem is that the regular expression is only displaying the first
> > item (mrn) but it won't display the others (enc, date,
> > report_subtitle)
> You have a single pattern so it should display all of them or none of them.
> > My code is on the following line
> > #!/usr/bin/perl
> use warnings;
> use strict;
> > #open(FILE, "");
> > open(FILE, "1234567.txt");
> You should *always* verify that the file opened correctly:
> open FILE, '<', '1234567.txt' or die "Cannot open '1234567.txt' $!";
> > while ($buf = <FILE>) {
> while ( my $buf = <FILE> ) {
> This reads a single line into the $buf variable.
> > #print "$buf\n";
> > if ($buf =~ m/\%mrn\%(\d+).+
> > \%enc\%(\d+).+
> > \%date\%
> > (\d{1,2})\/
> > (\d{1,2})\/
> > (\d{1,2})\^.+
> > ^\%report_subtitle\%(.+)\(
> > /xms) {
> Your regular expression is trying to match multiple lines but there is only
> one line in $buf.
> > #####################################################################
> > ##        debug messages for matches
> > #####################################################################
> >          print "HERE --> 1=<$1>\n" if (defined($1));
> >          print "HERE --> 2=<$2>\n" if (defined($2));
> >          print "HERE --> 3=<$3>\n" if (defined($3));
> >          print "HERE --> 4=<$4>\n" if (defined($4));
> >          print "HERE --> 5=<$5>\n" if (defined($5));
> >          print "HERE --> 6=<$6>\n" if (defined($6));
> >          print "HERE --> 7=<$7>\n" if (defined($7));
> You are using the numeric variables inside an if conditional and all the
> captures match one or more characters so the defined test is superfluous.
> >       }
> >     }
> > 1;
> The "last statement evaluates as true" rule is only required for modules.
> > I would appreciate if anybody can tell me what I'm doing wrong or
> > missing.
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use warnings;
> use strict;
> #open FILE, '<', '' or die "Cannot open '' $!";
> open FILE, '<', '1234567.txt' or die "Cannot open '1234567.txt' $!";
> while ( my $buf = <FILE> ) {
>      #print "$buf\n";
>      print <<TEXT if $buf =~ /%mrn%(\d+)/;
> HERE --> 1=<$1>
>      print <<TEXT if $buf =~ /%enc%(\d+)/;
> HERE --> 2=<$1>
>      print <<TEXT if $buf =~ /%date%(\d+)\/(\d+)\/(\d+)/;
> HERE --> 3=<$1>
> HERE --> 4=<$2>
> HERE --> 5=<$3>
>      print <<TEXT if $buf =~ /%report_subtitle%(.+)\(/;
> HERE --> 6=<$1>
>      }
> __END__
> John
> --
> Perl isn't a toolbox, but a small machine shop where you
> can special-order certain sorts of tools at low cost and
> in short order.                            -- Larry Wall

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