
In the script below I am trying my hand at using a code ref within a 
hash. I want the key 'name' to contain a scalar value. It does but I 
am not sure how to dereference it.

Here is the output from the script at the moment.

/data/users/nat/finished/01.tif SCALAR(0x8db3cac)
/data/users/nat/finished/19.tif SCALAR(0x8db3cf4)
/data/users/nat/finished/06.tif SCALAR(0x8db3d3c)

If i assign the return from the subroutine before, putting into a 
scalar and using that value within the hash then it's fine but in 
it's current state I get the SCALAR(0x8db3d3c) from $f->{'name'}

Can anyone offer me some advise?


use lib qw(.);
use strict;
use warnings;
use Config;
use File::Find;

my @list_of_found;

find(\&wanted, $sroot);

foreach my $f (@list_of_found) {
        print $f->{'basename'}," ",$f->{'name'},"\n";

sub wanted {

 if ($File::Find::name =~ /users/ && $_ =~ /\.tif$/) {

        my %file = (
                'tiffpath'      => $File::Find::name,
                'basename'      => $_,
                'name'  => \&edit_from_path($File::Find::name),



sub edit_from_path {
 (my $n) = ($_ =~ /users\/(\w+)\//); 
 return $n;

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