On 23 Oct 2007 at 12:12, Rob Coops wrote:

> foreach my $k (keys %{$ref}) {
>               $xml = $gen->users( # $xml gets over written with every new
> key.... So instead of doing that I would try $xml .= (appending)
>                          $gen->username({ id => $ref->{$k}},$k),
>                       );
>       }

Perhaps I should have mentioned that I had tried that and the result 
is empty XML like this

my $gen = XML::Generator->new(':pretty');
my $xml;
foreach my $k (keys %{$ref}) {
         $xml .= $gen->users(
                    $gen->username({ id => $ref->{$k}},$k),


This seems to work but my browser is complaining about the output:
"XML Parsing Error: junk after document element"
The source looks out but there is no root level element.

my $xml;
foreach my $k (keys %{$ref}) {
         $xml .= $gen->username({ id => $ref->{$k}},$k);
print $xml;

So it's close but not quite there.

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