I'm trying to grab data from an MS-Access log file and put it into a
fast, read-only database. (I'm thinking SQL Lite at this point.)

The code below is working.  Now I need to put the identical data and
structure into an SQL Lite table.  Any suggestions on where to look
for examples?  (or if you want to write one, that's fine too.)

I own the book "Programming the Perl DBI", but I haven't found
anything that addresses this.

use warnings;
use strict;

use DBI;
use DBD::ODBC;
use DBD::SQLite;

my $DSN = 'driver=Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb);dbq=C:\temp
my $dbh1 = DBI->connect("dbi:ODBC:$DSN",",") or die "$DBI::errstr\n";

$dbh1->{LongReadLen} = 2000;
$dbh1->{LongTruncOk} = 1;

my $sth1 = $dbh1->prepare("select message_index, message_no,
message_event, time_stamp, data from log");


my @stash;

while (my $hash_ref = $sth1->fetchrow_hashref()) {
push @stash, { %$hash_ref };


my $itemp = 1;
foreach my $hash_ref (@stash) {
    print "     Details of row $itemp: ";
    print "\n\n";

    foreach my $key (keys %{$hash_ref}) {
       print ("$key \t $hash_ref->{$key} \n");


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