Hi Team,

I need to make multiple substitutions in a file.There could be a
situation where there are more than one substitution on a single
line.I want to count the total # of substituitions.I need to use

I have 3 questions:

1) Do I have to make 3 separate Regex.How can it be done in a single line?
2)How to use Subroutines with this?If I just want the Sub to
substitute the value and return the line?
3)Is it a good practice to open the file using Sub? If so, how to do that?

here is my code:

!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my $line;
my ($count,$count1,$count3,$count2);

open FILE, "data.txt" or die"cnt open $!";
   foreach $LINE(<FILE>) {
            if ($var =~ s/cellomics/array/g) {
          if  ($var=~ s/perkin almer/janus/g) {
          if  ($var =~ s/dell/laptop/g)  {
close FILE;
Thanks a lot in advance

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