Sayed, Irfan (Irfan) wrote:
Jeff Pang wrote:
You're actually executing the `who` command,which just take the `am i`
as its arguments.
The results are the same:

$ who am i
pyh      pts/0        Oct 26 18:48 (116.21.60.xx)
$ who
pyh      pts/0        Oct 26 18:48 (116.21.60.xx)

This is `whoami` 's output:

$ whoami

Thanks for replying to this mail.

Now I need to write a regular expression so that I only get username
from the output of this command.

So I have written like this.

my $usr=`who am i`;

What's the point with asking questions here if you don't listen to the answers?

    chomp( my $usr = `whoami` );

$usr=~ m{(.+)\s$};

What did you expect that to do?

You apparently need to go back to the docs before trying to use regular expressions.

    perldoc perlrequick
    perldoc perlreref
    perldoc perlretut
    perldoc perlre
    perldoc perlop

(the latter describes the s/// and m// operators)

Gunnar Hjalmarsson

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