
You should do it, maybe with a regex like that:
perl -e '$/=undef; $ips = `ifconfig`; while($ips =~ /(?:^|\n)(\S+)[^\n]
+(?:\n\s[^\n])*\n\s+inet addr:(\S+)/gm) { print "$1 is $2\n";}'


On 27 oct, 07:13, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lists User) wrote:
> Hello,
> I want to do the things below:
> a) get all binded IPs on a redhat linux os.there are maybe more than
> one IP,like eth0,eth1,eth0:1 etc.
> b) for each IP,I need to know if it's a private network address (like
> or a public network address.
> for the first problem I can read something from
> /etc/sysconfig/network-script/ifcfg-eth*, or code with @ips =
> `/sbin/ifconfig` and use regex to capture the IPs.But I don't think
> these are the best ways.
> I don't like to use any CPAN module,b/c I'm not admin user,don't have
> privileges to install those modules.
> Can you show me a good way? Thanks!

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