On Thursday 08 November 2007 17:48, Paul Lalli wrote:
> On Nov 8, 3:32 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Demian) wrote:
> >
> > I ran into a problematic file that combined two numeric columns
> > into one:
> >
> > ATOM    325  CA  GLU B  40     -30.254  72.432-297.620  1.00
> > 10.00           C
> > ATOM    326  CA  ASP B  41     -28.149  73.031-294.529  1.00
> > 10.00           C
> > ATOM    327  CA  GLU B  42     -27.716  76.690-295.429  1.00
> > 10.00           C
> > ATOM    328  CA  LEU B  43     -31.425  77.076-296.027  1.00
> > 10.00           C
> > ATOM    329  CA  VAL B  44     -32.237  75.542-292.673  1.00
> > 10.00           C
> > ATOM    330  CA  SER B  45     -29.850  77.900-290.914  1.00
> > 10.00           C
> > ATOM    331  CA  LEU B  46     -31.335  80.873-292.720  1.00
> > 10.00           C
> > ATOM    332  CA  GLN B  47     -34.837  79.809-291.801  1.00
> > 10.00           C
> >
> > I came up with a solution, but I'm sure there's an easier way.  Is
> > there a more elegant way of doing it?
> Split on either whitespace or on a minus sign that is both followed
> by and preceded by a digit:
> my @fields = split /\s+|(?<=\d)-(?=\d)/, $line;

Close but that matches and removes the leading negative sign.

my @fields = split /\s+|(?<=\d)(?=-\d)/, $line;

Or you could do it like this:

my @fields = map /-\d/ ? /-?\d+\.\d+/g : $_, split;

use Perl;

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