On 12/14/07, Auxence Sima <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   I have came up with a value for my %sequences, but i would
> like to make sure i did it right.

You can use a module like Data::Dumper to print out and examine what's
in the variable. As an alternative, you can use the x command in the
perl debugger, while stepping through your code. Would that tell you
whether or not you did it right?

>  #! /usr/bin/perl- w

That's not quite what you want. You probably wanted to put -w on that
line, to turn on warnings:

    #!/usr/bin/perl -w

...with the #! being the first two characters on the very first line,
and the local path to perl immediately after them; but that's not what
you want, either. The newer way to turn on warnings, which is
recommended for all new code, is a line saying "use warnings",
generally just before or after the "use strict" line.

>   use strict;
>   use primer3;

Module names should generally begin with a capital letter (and follow
other guidelines, such as not creating new top-level namespaces), but
when you use a module you have to use the same name that the module
uses. If you're the module author, you may want to choose a better
name for the module; on the other hand, if you and your closest
friends are the only ones who are going to use your module, you can
call it whatever you'd like. (The reason that 'strict' isn't
capitalized is that it's a pragma, not an ordinary module.)

>   $sequences= primer3->new ( '-format=> 'fasta',
>                                                 '-file=>'output.txt'
>                                               );

I see that you have "use strict". That's good. But if you don't
actually run your code through perl and read the messages it outputs,
"use strict" can't help you notice that you haven't declared
$sequences yet.

There are other bugs in your code that perl will help you find. Did
you even run your code before you posted it? Please test and debug to
the best of your own ability before posting code to the forum.


--Tom Phoenix
Stonehenge Perl Training

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