On Dec 16, 2007 2:21 PM, namotco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Let's say I want to search some text for "abc123".  However, we know
> people can make typos and so they could have entered avc123 or abc223
> or sbc123 or bc123 many other combinations...
> So I want to search for those possibilities as well.  So how would I
> go about creating the proper regex?
> Thanks!
How do you define a typo? How do you know whether it's a typo, or a
different string? Do you know, for instance, that only 'abc\d\d\d' is
valid, and 'avc\d\d\d' is never valid? If so, you could do something

     if (/^abc\d\d\d$/ or s/^a.c(\d\d\d)$/abc$1/) {
        # match!
     } else {
        #no match!

If you can't predict the input, though, you'll need some heavy duty
algorithmic logic. Take a look through CPAN and see if there isn't
something that meets your needs. String::Approx and
String::KeyboardDistance might be places to start. There are also a
number of things in the Text::* tree.


-- jay
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values of β will give rise to dom!

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