On Monday 17 December 2007 15:40, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Dec 17, 3:22 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Pauld) wrote:
> >
> > my $var=0;my [EMAIL PROTECTED];
> > while ($var<$va_length)
> > {
> > print "${$daylistsorted[$var]}{TH} ";
> > print   'from ';
> > print ${$daylistsorted[$var]}{START};
> > print ' to '.${$daylistsorted[$var]}{END_DS};
> > print "   duration  ";print   int((${$daylistsorted[$var]}{END}-$
> > {$daylistsorted[$var]}{START})/60);
> It's unusual in Perl to need to access an array element by its index
> number.  This is one of those times, though, when it is useful to use
> an index because you need to peek ahead at the next item in the
> array.  But you only need the index for the next item, not for the
> current item, so you can clean up things a bit with something like
> this (untested, and posted without much effort to parse or understand
> the objective of the code, and using printf instead of a bunch of
> concat'ed strings):
>    my $index = 0;
>    foreach my $day( @daylistsorted ) {

The way it is *usually* done is:

    foreach my $index ( 0 .. $#daylistsorted ) {

>       printf (
>          "%s from $s to %s duration %s %s\n",
>             $day{'TH'},

An array element can hold a hash reference but not a hash itself:

              $day->{ TH },

>             UnixDate($day{'START'},  '%Y:%m:%d %H:%M'),

                       $day->{ START }

>             UnixDate($day{'END_DS'}, '%Y:%m:%d %H:%M'),

                       $day->{ END_DS }

>             int(($day{END} - $day{START})/60);

                   $day->{ END } - $day->{ START }

>             (exists(  ${$daylistsorted[$index+1]}{TH} ) )
>                ? "\tinterval to next start "
>                  .int (( ${$daylistsorted[$index+1]}{START}
>                         -$day{END} )/60)

                           $day->{ END }

>                : ''
>       );
>       $index++;
>    }

use Perl;

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