Rob Dixon schreef:
> scooter:

>> Can someone help me with the regexp that will match exactly two
>> quotes(') or no quotes in the string.
>> If a single quote exists, then will break out.
>> eg:
>> aabbcc -  Should Match
>> aa''bb''c''c - Should Match
>> a''b - Should Match
>> ab'' - Should Match
>> aa'bbcc - Should not Match
>> aa''bb'cc - Should not Match (since there is a single quote)
>> 'aabcc - Should not Match
> This does what you have described. It looks for a single quote,
> preceded by a character other than a single quote or the start of the
> string, and followed by a character other than a single quote or the
> end of the string.
> if (not /(?:\A|[^'])'(?:\Z|[^'])/) {
>    print "matches\n"
> }

That would fail q{a''''b}.

So maybe something like:  do{ local $_ = $str; s/''//g; !/'/; } 

Affijn, Ruud

"Gewoon is een tijger."

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