From: "Chas. Owens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Dec 18, 2007 4:49 PM, Rob Dixon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> snip
> > if (grep { not /\.mdb\z/ } @ARGV) {
> >    print "All parameters must be MDB files\n";
> >    exit;
> > }
> snip
> Or in Perl 5.10, coming to stores near you soon*, you can use the
> smart match operator:
> @ARGV ~~ /\.mdb\z/
>     or die "All parameters must be MDB files"
> See smart matching in perldoc perlsyn or
> * I just checked and in fact it was released yesterday.

I did not install it yet so I can't check but I think you have it 
wrong. According to the docs you point to

   @ARGV ~~ /\.mdb\z/

is equivalent to

   grep /\.mdb\z/, @ARGV

which is true whenever at least one item in the array matches the 
regexp. So it would be

 @ARGV ~~ /\.mdb\z/
     or die "At least one of the parameters must be an MDB file";

Probably not what Rob (or whoever posted the original post) intended.

   grep {not <condition>} @ARRAY 

     is not equivalent to

   not grep {<condition>} @ARRAY 

not even in boolean context.

   @ARGV ~~ /\.mdb\z/
   any(@ARGV) =~ /\.mdb\z/
   all(@ARGV) =~ /\.mdb\z/

I think there should have been a !~~ operator as well.

===== [EMAIL PROTECTED] === =====
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to get drunk and croon as much as they like.
        -- Terry Pratchett in Sourcery

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